随着我国经济社会的发展,在土地资源和环境保护的双重压力下,如何把传统的蛋鸡养殖模式向集约化、高效益、自动化转型,是一个客观存在的社会问题。层叠式蛋鸡饲养自动化设备经过我地区的实际应用,结果表明具有:1有效利用土地,空间利用率高,易实现规模化和集约化;2粪便干燥利用率高,最大化的减少环境污染;3有效提高劳动效率,实现自动化生产;4全封闭模式,有效控制疫病的发生等优点,对实现可持续发展具有重大的意义。在同样实现蛋鸡第72周龄产蛋量达到20 kg、料蛋比达到2.12:1、死淘率4%的技术指标下,层叠式蛋鸡笼养比阶梯式蛋鸡笼养,每只鸡可增加经济效益2.299元。
Totally enclosed me through raising hens with China's economic and social development in land resources and environmental protection of the double pressure, how to make the tradition- al farming to intensive, high efficiency, automation transformation is a objective existence social problems. Stacked layers automation equipment in practical application. The results showed that: (i) the effective use of land, space utilization rate is high, easy to achieve economies of scale and intensive; II stool drying utilization rate is high, to maximize the reduction of environmental pollution; third, improve labor efficiency, automated production; and (4) model, the effective control of disease, etc., to achieve sustainable development is of great significance. To achieve the same Laying hens in the 72 week old egg production reached 20kg, feed egg ratio reached 2. And the egg laying period death rate of Amoy 4% of the technical indicators, cascading egg cage rearing than ladder hen coop support, each chicken can increase economic benefit 2.299 yuan.
Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Ladder type
Production efficiency