
喷头雾化性能及雾滴沉积可视化模型研究 被引量:20

A study of spray nozzle atomization performance and droplet deposition visual model
摘要 农药喷施是全球广泛使用的防治林木病虫害的方法,最有效的形式是让雾化后的雾滴能有效沉积在目标表面(如病菌、害虫、叶片或树木的其他部位)并减少非靶标区域的农药流失。目前,很少有人对林木病虫害防治过程中的农药喷施进行实景建模研究,无法通过改变参数的输入来对器械选择、参数控制对喷头雾化效果和雾滴沉积等做出实时的反应,单纯依靠试验分析它们之间的因果关系需要耗费大量的人力和物力,而且短期内难以获得令人信服的结果。依据不同类型和喷雾量的喷头,笔者选用AI 110015气吸扇形喷头、TT 11002广角扇形喷头及XR 11001~3延长范围扇形喷头,利用激光成像系统和激光粒度仪测定喷雾角和雾滴粒径,并研究了雾化机理。采用荧光素钠作为示踪剂,测定了不同喷施压力、不同收集距离、不同采样高度等对雾滴沉积量的影响。借助Visual C++和Open GL软件,运用调用数据库的方法对喷头雾化性能和雾滴沉积进行仿真模拟,根据粒子系统原理,能实现在不同输入参数下雾滴雾化情况和沉积效果的可视化显示,实现了系统的安全维护性和友好的人机对话性,为进行正确的施药技术与器械决策提供必要的理论支持、技术依据和直观演示,从而提高林木病虫害的防治效果。 Pesticides are used to control forest diseases and insect pests worldwide. The spray droplets should be retained on the target surface( pathogens,insects,leaves or other plant parts),and not be lost as spray drift or deposited on the ground and other non-target sites within the sprayed area. Few researches on chemical spraying model in virtual environment have been reported since a great deal of trials must be carried out with considerable labor and equipment costs. In this study,the influence of atomizer structure( nozzle type and nozzle volume) and operational parameters(spraying pressure) on fan angle and droplet size was investigated using laser imaging system and a laser diffraction particle analyzer. The combined spray and information display model was applied to study the effects of atomizer structure,collection distance and sampling height on the distribution and deposit of the spray. The initial spray characteristics produced by typical nozzle( AI 110015,TT 11002 and XR 11001- 3) were measured,including fan angle,droplet size and deposit. These properties will provide a basis for future research about the transport of spray droplets in the air,deposition of spray droplets onto various targets and non-target surfaces,and the subsequent biological effects of pesticides.Based on the particle system,a database was applied to realize the model of trajectory of droplets in Visual C + + combined with Open GL. The visual model for analyzing spray nozzle atomization and droplet deposit may instantly respond to the change of parameter input. This model can simulate fan nozzle atomization and deposit moving in different spraying volume,operating pressure and sampling positions. The safety of the system maintenance and friendly man-machine dialogue are thus realized. It provides necessary theoretical support,technical basis and visual presentation for the optimization of spraying technique and equipment selection,so as to improve the control of forest diseases and insect pests.
出处 《林业工程学报》 北大核心 2016年第3期91-96,共6页 Journal of Forestry Engineering
基金 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK20130965) 江苏省科技厅前瞻项目(BY2014006-02) 国家自然科学基金项目(31371963) "十二五"国家科技支撑计划(2014BAD08B04) 江苏省杰出青年教师培育聘专项目(2012256) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)
关键词 喷头 喷雾扇角 雾化性能 雾滴沉积 可视化模型 农药喷施 spray nozzle fan angle atomization performance droplet deposition visual model pesticide spraying
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