
美国再平衡战略与中国“一带一路” 被引量:17

Hedging,Asia-Pacific Rebalance and the Belt and Road Initiative
摘要 冷战后美国的对华战略是包括接触与防范两个方面的两面下注,而不是全面遏制。2009年前主要表现为接触的一面,此后防范的一面开始强化,标志为提出转向亚洲战略,其名称与内涵先变为重返亚洲与亚太再平衡,并在2013年发展为涵盖南亚的印太再平衡战略。中国从改革开放开始就奉行对美友好合作战略。中国政府提出与实施"一带一路"战略后,周边外交的整体重要性得到明显提升,但中国希望与美合作的基调并未改变。由于中美相对实力地位的变化,两国关系表现为既合作又竞争,因此,再平衡战略与"一带一路"之间虽有竞争乃至对抗的一面,但并非遏制与反遏制的关系。两国可以在政治、经济、军事、安全、文化、国际制度等多维度进行合作,其中经济、军事与安全合作可以作为主要维度。在可以预期的未来,中国整体实力与美国的差距不会消失。中国将会在现行国际体制内谋求发展而不会另起炉灶。中美应该在不同方面互相调适,以便在和平的状态下,建立双边关系的新均衡。 Since the end of the Cold War,the China strategy adopted by the United States is based on hedging which includes engagement and prevention rather than containment.The United States conducted engagement approach before the end of 2009,and started to prevent China afterwards by enforcing 'Pivot to Asia' strategy,which was replaced by 'return to Asia(-Pacific)' and Rebalance to Asia and the Pacific afterwards.Since 2013,the strategy has been evolved into Indo-Pacific Rebalance that embraces South Asia.On the other side,China pursued friendly cooperative strategy to the U.S.since the Opening-up Reform.Even if China has prioritized neighborhood diplomacy along with the Belt and Road(B&R) initiative,the emphasis on Sino-U.S.cooperation has not changed.Due to the dynamic power transformation between China and the United States,the two countries will inevitably cooperate and compete with each other.Therefore,one the one hand,Asia-Pacific Rebalance strategy is compatible with China's B&R initiative in terms of politics,economy,military,security,culture and international institutions,particularly in economic,military and security fields.In the near future,the gap between the two countries' comprehensive national strength will still exist.Thus,China will develop itself in the current international system rather than creating a new one.On the other hand,Asia-Pacific strategy is competing,and even confronting B&R initiative.It is well worth noting that these kinds of confrontation are neither containment nor anti-containment.To this end,China and the U.S.should adapt to each other in various aspects in order to establish a new balance in a peaceful manner.
作者 薛力
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期56-73,157-158,共18页 World Economics and Politics
关键词 遏制 两面下注 再平衡 “一带一路” hedging Asia-Pacific Rebalance B&R initiative competitiveness
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