
赫尔墨斯主义与近代早期科学编史学 被引量:2

Early Modern Hermeticism and History of Science:A Historiographical Investigation
摘要 近代早期赫尔墨斯主义与科学史的关系为两个问题所困扰,一是事实性的:能否认为《赫尔墨斯文集》与卡巴拉等思想通过激励隐秘科学的发展而促成了新科学观念与态度的诞生,并且通过进入更加宽泛的宗教与政治语境而塑造了作为新科学产生背景的文化与思想;二是概念性的:能否把"赫尔墨斯主义"看作一种可以明确界定的、有确定思想载体与传人的学说,以至于可以清晰明确地谈论一种"赫尔墨斯主义传统"。通过对过去赫尔墨斯主义编史思路的考察,本文认为,一方面"赫尔墨斯主义"这一概念的使用需要经过改造以适应科学史研究的需要;另一方面应逐步将"赫尔墨斯主义传统"的历史叙事纳入对"秘传学说"这一更具包容性的概念的使用之下。 The relationship between early modem hermeticism and history of science has been intrigued by two problems. The first one is factual: whether such currents of thought as represented by the Corpus Hermeticum and kabbalistic writings had stimulated the development of occult sciences, while in such a manner they had contributed to the birth of conceptions and attitudes essential to the new science, and moreover whether by entering wider religious and political contexts they had helped to shape the background culture and ideas from which the new science arose. The second one is conceptual: whether we can regard "hermeticism" as such a well- definable doctrine with definite representative works and figures that we can talk about a "hermetic tradition" with sufficient sense. By an investigation into the approaches of past historians of science regarding hermeticism, this paper suggests that, on the one hand, the concept "hermeticism" needs to be reshaped to meet the requirement of historical research of science; on the other hand, the narrative of "hermetic tradition" should be gradually resolved with the utilization of a more comprehensive concept, i.e. "esotericism".
作者 高洋
机构地区 北京大学哲学系
出处 《科学文化评论》 2016年第1期42-61,共20页 Science & Culture Review
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“世界科学技术通史研究”,项目编号14ZDB017
关键词 赫尔墨斯主义 科学革命 秘传学说 编史学 Hermeticism, Scientific Revolution, Esotericism, Historiography
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