
既有房屋安全模糊综合评估方法 被引量:5

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Safety Evaluation for Existing Buildings
摘要 在对既有房屋安全隐患调查分析的基础上,建立多层次的房屋安全综合评估模型,利用模糊综合评估方法,对既有房屋安全状态进行评估。采用所提方法,对上海市某办公大楼进行了安全状态评估,结果表明,模糊综合评估方法在既有房屋安全评估中具有较好的适用性,评估结果可较为全面真实地反映既有房屋的安全状态,从而可为房屋安全管理和决策提供依据。 Based on the investigating and survey of the hidden dangers for the existing buildings, a multi-level comprehensive evaluation model was established for the safety evaluation of the buildings. Taking advantage of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the safety state of the existing buildings could he assessed evaluation. As an example,the safety levels of an old government building in Shanghai were evaluated. According to the results,the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method has a good applicability on the safety evaluation of the existing buildings and the evaluation results could be comprehensively reflect the actual security status of the building,which can provide the basis for the safety management and decision making for the building.
作者 王英 蔡乐刚
出处 《结构工程师》 北大核心 2016年第2期92-98,共7页 Structural Engineers
基金 上海市科学技术委员会科研计划项目(14dz1207000)
关键词 既有房屋 安全评估 模糊综合评估 层次分析法 existing buildings, safety evaluate, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, analytic hierarchy process
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