为了降低催化剂床层压降,提高Fe-β分子筛催化剂用于N_2O催化分解的能力,通过研究整体式分子筛催化剂制备方法,优化出最优原料配比为ω(拟薄水铝石)=40%,ω(硝酸)=8%,水粉比为0.6 m L·g^(-1)。研究了成型过程对分子筛催化剂结构及性能的影响,并在不同孔密度分子筛催化剂、N_2O浓度和空速条件下考察N_2O分解反应性能。结果表明,在相同温度、空速和N_2O浓度下,分子筛催化剂的孔密度越高,催化活性呈增强趋势;对于相同孔密度的分子筛催化剂,随着空速的增加,相同温度下的N_2O转化率逐渐下降;对于相同孔密度的分子筛催化剂,在相同反应空速和温度下,随着N_2O浓度的增大,N_2O转化率呈上升趋势。
In order to reduce the bed pressure drop and improve the activity of Fe-β zeolites for catalytic decomposition of N2O ,the preparation methods of honeycomb shaped monolithic Fe-β zeolite catalyst were studied. The optimal condition was obtained as follows : to ( pseudo-boehmite powder) = 40%, to ( nitric acid) = 8%, and water/Fe-β zeolite = 0.6 mL · g^-1. The influence of molding processes on the structure and performance of Fe-β zeolite catalyst was investigated. The results showed that under the condition of the same temperature,airspeed and N2O concentration, the higher channels per square inch(CPSI) on catalyst led to higher catalytic activity. At the same reaction temperature, N2O conversion rate over the catalyst with the same CPSI gradually decreased with the increase of airspeed. Under the condition of the same airspeed and reaction temperature, N2O conversion rate over the catalyst with the same CPSI enhanced with the increase of N2O concentration.
Industrial Catalysis