目的 了解多房性棘球蚴在中间宿主体内寄生的生长和繁殖过程。方法 连续石蜡切片观察 98例手术切除的人体多房性棘球蚴病的病变组织和 3例人工感染的黄鼠病变标本。结果 棘球绦虫原头蚴的繁殖由泡蚴生发层细胞增生形成斑状、丘状或蕈状生长 ,出现口裂、顶突钩、吸盘、形成育囊 ,发育成熟。结论 该寄生虫在终末宿主中以雌雄同体进行有性繁殖 ,在中间宿主中是由生发上皮细胞增殖形式进行无性繁殖。
Objective To understand the course of the growth and intermediate host. Methods Consecutive sections from 98 specimens of human infected tissues of E.multioculosis and 3 artificially infected ground squirrel were morphologically observed under microscope. Results Echinoococcus's protoscolex were proliferated from the hydatid germinal layer cells and formed the stayes spotoid papule and then a rise mouth crevice, rostellar hook suckers brood and then became mature. Conclusions This parasite is sexual reproduction in the definitive host and non sexual reproduction in the intermediate host. It may be infected by pregnant fragment containing the eggs or protosclex.
Chinese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology