
基于心理声学的汽车子系统振动异响评价探究 被引量:1

On the Automotive Subsystem Squeak and Rattle Evaluation Based on Psychoacoustics
摘要 汽车行驶过程中的内饰子系统振动异响会引起乘员的不适与疲劳。现有通过评分或评级的异响主观评价量化方法不利于噪声记录和工程经验积累,而且不同人对声音评价的差异较大。通过对试验结果及心理声学数据进行统计分析,总结出更贴合主观感受的客观评价经验公式,并解释了不同人群对内饰子系统振动异响评价结果不同的原因。试验和分析结果能直接应用于工程开发,具有实际工程意义。 The squeak and rattle issue in the automotive interior subsystem can cause discomfort and fatigue for passengers. However, the current subjective evaluation methods, e.g.,the grading method, were unfavorable to recording the noise and accumulating the engineering experience. Furthermore, different people may have quite different evaluations for a single sound. Based on the squeak and rattle experiments and psychoacoustics analysis, an empirical formula of the objective evaluation to fit the subjective experience better was obtained, and also, the reason was explained that different types of crowds may have different subjective evaluation results for the subsystem squeak and rattle test. This new evaluation method has a practical purpose and can be applied in the engineering development.
出处 《汽车工程学报》 2016年第3期223-228,共6页 Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering
关键词 NVH 振动异响 心理声学 声品质 NVH squeak and rattle psychoacoustics sound quality
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