控制雄性育性是研究植物生殖和选择育种的一个重要目标。对雄性不育分子机制的深入理解将为控制雄性育性和杂种繁育提供有效途径。利用人工micro RNA技术对DUF647蛋白家族成员RUS4基因进行特异沉默,结果发现,ami R-RUS4植株败育,药室内壁次生加厚异常,花药不开裂,表明RUS4与药室内壁的木质化有关。MS35/MYB26是木质素生物合成途径上游一个重要的激活因子,为了进一步了解RUS4和MYB26在调控花药药室内壁次生加厚过程中的作用,以ms35为母本、ami R-RUS4为父本进行人工杂交,得到杂交子2代(F2);并对杂交子2代(F2)的基因型、表型和基因表达进行了鉴定,结果获得一个纯合的ami R-RUS4 ms35双突变体,这为进一步分析RUS4和MS35在调控药室内壁次生加厚中的作用提供了宝贵的试验材料。
Controlling male fertility is an important goal for the research of plant reproduction and selective breeding. A better understanding of the male sterile molecular mechanisms will provide effective ways for the control of male fertility and for hybrid generation.Specific silencing of a DUF647-containing gene RUS4 by artificial micro RNA led to a severe reduction of male fertility. The ami R-RUS4 anther displayed altered endothecium secondary thickening, which impacted on anther dehiscence. Transcription factor MYB26/MS35 played a regulatory role in endothecium lignification as wall thickening was not observed in the endothecial cells of the MYB26 mutant and displayed indehiscent anthers. This study generated an ami R-RUS4 ms35 double mutant where homozygous ms35 lines were used for crosses with ami R-RUS4 plants. The genotypic, phenotypic and gene expression analysis were performed in the F2 generation. One homozygous ami R-RUS4 ms35 double mutant were obtained, which will provide a valuable material for further analysis of the relationship between RUS4 and MS35 in the regulation of secondary thickening in the endothecium.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences