
大学生自我伤害行为结构探索及量表编制 被引量:6

Structure Exploration and Scale Development of College Students' Self-Injury Behavior
摘要 学界对自我伤害行为的定义还暂无共识,国外已有学者从不同角度编制出多个自伤行为量表,但国内相关测量研究并不多。大学生自我伤害行为量表可用于评估大学生的心理健康水平。将涵盖典型与非典型自我伤害行为的问卷用于调查成都、上海、西宁的2000名大学生,经探索性及验证性因素分析发现:典型自我伤害行为可抽取两个因子它物伤和自我伤(RMSEA:0.065,GFI:0.951,α系数:0.856,重测信度:0.785);非典型自我伤害行为可抽取五个因子,分别为社会规范违规、能量消耗、身体伤害、独处孤立、感官刺激(RMSEA:0.049,GFI:0.949,α系数:0.905,重测信度:0.877)。量表内容与结构分析结果显示该量表具有良好的信度效度。 No consensus has been achieved on the definition of self-injury behavior (SIB). Scholars abroad have developed several versions of SIB scale from various perspectives, while relevant psychometric studies in China's Mainland just start. The College Students' Self-Injury Behavior Scale can assess the mental health of students. Altogether 2000 college and universities students from Chengdu, Shanghai and Xining were surveyed with the scale including typical and atypical SIB. After conducting Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), data of typical SIB suggest that there are two factors: self-injury with objects and self-injury without using any objects ( RMSEA: 0. 065, GFI : 0.951, Cronbach Alpha coefficient : 0. 856, test-retest reliability : 0. 785 ) ; data of atypical SIB suggest that there are five factors: social norms violation, energy consumption, bodily injury, staying alone and isolated, and sensory stimulation ( RMSEA : 0. 049, GFI : 0.949, Cronbach Alpha coefficient : 0. 905, test-retest reliability : 0. 877 ). The analytic conclusions of scale's content and structure indicate the scale is reliable and valid.
作者 杨宇琦 肖放
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期76-83,共8页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
关键词 自我伤害 探索性因素分析 验证性因素分析 self-injury exploratory factor analysis confirmatory factor analysis
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