
大学先修课慕课(MOOCAP):我国大学与高中教育衔接的新方式 被引量:19

The MOOC of Advanced Placement(MOOCAP):The New Education Link between Universities and High Schools in China
摘要 大学先修课慕课(MOOCAP),是以信息技术促进大学与高中教育衔接的主要方式。基于对MOOCAP发展历程的分析,提出慕课认证进入学校学分体系与以信息技术破解大学先修课困局,是催生MOOCAP的关键动因。通过从目标、组织结构、课程、教学、评价、成效六方面总结对比中美MOOCAP的发展现状及异同,提出与美国相比,大学与高中在大学先修课标准及学分认证上缺乏共识与合作体制,是阻碍我国MOOCAP发展的主要困难。但困难与机遇并存,MOOCAP是"互联网+"时代我国大学与高中基于在线开放课程进行人才培养协同的创新,是大学招生改革的新措施,也是我国大学先修课跨越式发展的有效路径,能有效促进我国大学与高中教育的衔接。 MOOCAP,the MOOC of Advanced Placement, is the main way to link universities and high schools education through information technology. By analyzing the development process of MOOCAP, the paper proposes that taking MOOC certification as credit of universities and solving AP problems with information technologies are the two key drivers of MOOCAP formation. By summarizing the status, and comparing the difference of MOOCAP between China and America on the aims, organizational structure, curriculum, teaching, evaluation, effectiveness,we find that the main obstacle of Chinese MOOCAP is lack of consensus and collabo- rative mecbanisms of credit certification and standards on AP courses between universities and high schools. While obstacle means opportunity. In the "lnternet+" era, MOOCAP is an innovation on cultivating creative talents by combining universities and high schools,a new reform on universities admissions in China, a valid path to achieve leapfrog development of China Advanced Placement, which will promote the effective education link between universities and high schools in China.
作者 刘永贵 孟夏
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2016年第3期15-23,共9页 Journal of Distance Education
基金 江苏省教育科学"十二五"规划2015年度课题重点自筹项目"中美高等教育领域MOOCs政策比较研究"(课题编号:B-b/2015/01/049) 全国教育科学"十二五"规划青年课题"信息时代大学教师教学发展中心建设的国际比较研究"(课题编号:CIA130182)阶段性成果
关键词 大学先修课慕课 MOOCAP 大学与高中教育衔接 学分认证 大学招生 The MOOC of advanced placement MOOCAP The link between universities and high schools Credit certification University admissions
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