
跨境电子商务用户采纳行为的演化博弈研究 被引量:7

Research on the Evolutionary Game of Cross-border E-commerce User Acceptance Behavior
摘要 在大举推进跨境电子商务(以下简称"跨境电商")之前,用户对于跨境电商的采纳程度将是各国政府首要关注的焦点,决定着整个跨境电商交易主体之间的良性互动,进而真正实现跨境电商让利于民的美好初衷。本文通过对跨境电商交易双方(即品牌商与消费者)之间演化博弈模型的构建,对影响跨境电商用户采纳行为的因素及其关系进行系统研究,从而为进一步开拓跨境电商这片新蓝海提供科学依据。结果表明,影响跨境电商交易活动主体采纳的核心因素由初始投入成本、风险承担能力、超额收益的公平分配等要素构成,政府应努力建立一套有效的约束机制,使得海内外买卖双方在保持正常收益的同时,加强合作使风险最小化,并设法寻找到最佳的超额收益分配系数,以使跨境电商朝向合作共赢的方向演进。 On the way before vigorously push forward the cross - border e - commerce, governments around the world should first place emphasis on the degree of cross - border e - commerce user acceptance, which determined the benign interaction between the main trade body in the whole cross- border e - commerce, thus truly achieve the best intentions of letting benefit in the people. The interaction between the main participant bodies in cross- border e- commerce (include brands and consumers) is studied with evolutionary game theoretical models. Then the paper conducted a systematic study on the behavioral factors which could be having an influence on the cross- border e- commerce user acceptance and the relationship between these factors, thus providing scientit]c basis for exploiting the new "Blue Ocean" of the e - commerce. The result indicated that the core factors which affected the user acceptance of the cross - border e - commerce consist of initial investment cost, the ability of risk under- taking, an fair distribution of excess returns and so on. Our government should make great efforts to establish a set of effective re- straint mechanism, supporting both the buyers and the sellers at home and abroad to minimize the risk by means of strengthening cooperation while maintaining the normal income. Besides. The paper intended to find the optimal excess returns distribution coef- ficient which would direct the cross- border e - commerce towards the win- win cooperation.
作者 连丽样 成全
出处 《现代情报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期21-26,46,共7页 Journal of Modern Information
关键词 跨境电子商务 用户采纳 行为 演化博弈论 cross- border e- commerce user acceptance behavior evolutionary game theory
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