
网络书目资源描述规范SchemaBibEx及其应用 被引量:7

Introduction to Schema Bib Ex as Network Bibliographic Resource Description Specifications
摘要 传统MARC书目数据格式是图书馆书目数据真正成为网络信息资源的最大障碍。如何从网络应用服务中吸引用户返回图书馆系统成为图书馆必须要解决的问题。回顾书目资源网络开放的历史和背景,基于Schema.org的书目资源描述扩展Schema Bib Ex是图书馆解决这一问题的有力选择。通过分析Schema Bib Ex的实体模型、术语词表、工具与服务,阐述其原生性、开放性、全局统一、经济性等特点,并论述其与下一代书目框架格式BIBFRAME的互补关系。Schema Bib Ex不是MARC书目格式的替代品,但将会成为图书馆书目数据与信息用户网络的双向沟通桥梁。 The traditional MARC bibliographic format enormously hinders library bibliographic data from becoming network information resources. The problem which library must solve is how to attract users from network application services back to library system. After reviewing the history and background of the open access of bibliographic resources on the web, the paper advocates SchemaBibEx, which is the bibliographic resource description extension of Schema. org, as the powerful tool for library to solve this problem. By analyzing the linked data model, vocabularies, tools and services, the paper explains its originality, openness, global unity, and economicality. It also discusses its complementary relationship with BIBFRAME which is the next generation of bibliographic frame format. SchemaBibEx isn't the replacement of MARC, but will become a two-way communication bridge between library bibliographic data and information user network.
出处 《图书馆杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期59-67,共9页 Library Journal
关键词 Schema.org MARC BIBFRAME 书目数据格式 关联数据 Schema. org, MARC, BIBFRAME, Bibliographic data format, Linked data
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