目的了解广州市萝岗区3~6岁集体儿童无症状性血尿的发病率,进一步查找病因并进行追踪随访。方法运用流行病学调查的方法,对萝岗区5 602名3~6岁集体儿童进行尿常规筛查,2周内连续3次尿检镜下血尿均阳性者确诊为无症状性血尿。对确诊患儿进一步检查病因。结果确诊无症状性血尿49例,总发病率为0.88%(49/5 602)。其中,男19例(0.64%),女30例(1.14%),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。40例接受检查者中发现左肾静脉压迫综合征9例(22.5%)、特发性高钙尿症5例(12.5%)、尿路感染5例(12.5%)、急性肾炎3例(7.5%)、紫癜性肾炎1例(2.5%)、IgA肾病1例(2.5%)、多囊肾1例(2.5%)、肾积水1例(2.5%)、14例(35.0%)暂时病因不明。结论无症状性血尿在3~6岁儿童中有一定的发病率,其中部分患儿为器质性疾病,存在远期肾损害可能,应早期给予积极治疗。建议将尿常规筛查纳入儿童保健检查项目中。
Objective To identify the prevalence of asymptomatic hematuria between 3 to 6 years old children of Lu- ogang district,Guangzhou city. Methods Totally 5 602 children between 3 to 6 years in Luogang District were included in our study. Each child was received routine urinalysis. Asymptomatic hematuria was diagnosed as three consecutive times of microscopic hematuria in two weeks. The children with asymptomatic hematuria were received more tests in order to find out the causes of the disease. Results The incidence of asymptomatic hematuria in Luogang District was 0. 88% (49/5 602). The incidence was different between boys and girls(0.64 % vs 1.14 %, P〈0.05). Forty children with asymptomatic hematu ria were received further examinations. As a result,left renal vein entrapment syndrome was the most common cause (n=9, 22.5 % ). Idiopathic hypercalciuria (n= 5,12.5 % ), urinary tract infection (n = 5,12.5% ) and acute glomerulonephritis (n= 3,7.5% ) were also common. There was only one child with purpura nephritis, IgA nephropathy, polycystic kidney disease or hydronephrosis respectively. Unfortunately, the causes of the last forteen children (n=14,35 % ) with asymptomatic hematu- ria were still unknown. Conclusions The incidence of asymptomatic hematuria in children between 3 to 6 years was 0.88 %. The common causes of the disease are organic diseases which might lead to long term kidney injury in the future, so we should try to diagnose and treat as early as possible. In a conclusion,we suggested that routine urinalysis should be in- cluded in children's health care programme.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
asymptomatic hematuria
collective children
epidemiological investigation