为进一步了解广州大气PM_(2.5)中卤代阻燃剂(HFRs)的含量,笔者于2012年10月在广州天河区采集了10个PM_(2.5)样品,测定了其中HFRs的含量。结果显示,PM_(2.5)的平均浓度为151μg/m^3,属于中度到重度污染水平。PM_(2.5)中HFRs的平均浓度为2763 pg/m^3,其中十溴联苯醚和十溴二苯乙烷是HFRs的主要组分,两者占HFRs的95%以上。与之前的研究相比,广州天河区PM_(2.5)中的HFRs浓度有所下降,但是比其他的地区偏高。
To further understand the concentration of halogen flame retardants ( HFRs ) in PM2.5 in Guangzhou , 10 PM2.5 samples in Tianhe District Guangzhou were collected in October 2012 , the concentrations of halogen flame retardants ( HFRs) were measured.The result showed that the average concentration of PM 2.5 was 151 μg/m3 , it belonged to moderate to severe pollution levels .HFRs average concentration was 2763 pg/m3 , deca-BDEs and decabromodiphenyl ethane were the majority of HFRs , accounting for more than 95%of the HFRs.The concentration of HFRs in our study was lower than previous study but higher than other regions .
GuangZhou Chemical Industry