为明确超窄行距和种植密度对冬小麦群体质量和产量的影响,以小麦品种石麦18为材料,于2014^(-2)015年度在河北省石家庄市藁城区进行了行距(7.5cm、15cm和13cm+13cm+13cm+21cm"四密一稀")和密度(基本苗225万、300万和375万株·hm^(-2))二因素裂区试验。结果表明,相同密度下,各生育时期7.5cm行距种植的小麦群体总茎(穗)数和干物质积累量最高,15cm行距次之,"四密一稀"最低。各生育时期"四密一稀"种植的小麦LAI都最低,7.5cm行距的LAI在拔节前显著高于15cm行距,但在拔节以后15cm行距的LAI高于7.5cm行距。各生育时期3种行距条件下总茎数、干物质积累量和LAI都随密度的增加而增大。行距对单位面积穗数和穗粒数的影响均不显著;而15cm行距的千粒重显著高于其他2种行距配置;15cm和7.5cm行距的籽粒产量显著高于"四密一稀"。密度对穗粒数和千粒重的影响不显著,而单位面积穗数和籽粒产量都随密度的增加而增加。15cm行距、基本苗375万株·hm^(-2)和7.5cm行距、基本苗375万株·hm^(-2)的2个处理组合下小麦籽粒产量较高,分别为9 647.2和9 598.4kg·hm^(-2),是生产中适宜采用的2种组合。
In order to clarify the effects of super-narrow row space and planting density on population quality and grain yield of winter wheat,a field experiment was carried out at Gaocheng Area of Shiji- azhuang City, Hebei province, during 2014-- 2015, with a winter wheat cultivar, Shimai 18. The exper- iment was designed as split plot arrangement,with three row spaces as main plots (7.5 cm, 15 cm,and 13 cm+13 cm+13 cm+ 21 cm unequal row space,which is locally called "One sparse in four rows"), and three planting densities as split plots (225,300 and 375 plants · m^-2). The results showed that, under the same density, the culm (spike) amounts and dry matter accumulation of wheat planted in 7.5 cm row space were the highest at various growth stages,with those in 15 cm row space followed, and those in "One sparse in four rows" the lowest. The LAI of wheat planted in "One sparse in four rows" was the lowest in the three row spaces. And before jointing,the LAI of 7.5 cm row space was significantly higher than that of 15 cm row space. While after jointing,the LAI of 7.5 cm row spacebecame lower than that of 15 cm row space. The culm (spike) amounts,dry matter accumulation and LAI at various growth stages under the three row spaces all increased with the increasing densities. The effects of row space on the spike amounts per unit area and grain amounts per spike were not sig- nificant. But the 1 000 grain weight of wheat of 15 cm row space was higher than those of other two row spaces. The grain yield of wheat in 15 cm and 7.5 cm row spaces were significantly higher than that in "One sparse in four rows". The effects of planting densities on grain amounts per spike and 1 000 grain weight were not significant. But the spike amounts per unit area grain yield were signifi- cantly increased with the increasing densities. In the study,the two combinations of 15 cm row space +planting density 375 plants · m^-2 and 7.5 cm row space+planting density 375 plants ·m 2 obtained high yields,9 64
Journal of Triticeae Crops
Winter wheat
Row space
Planting density
Population traits
Grain yield