文章围绕绿色设计的理念从两个方面对绿色设计案例进行梳理分析,一方面基于当前世界著名绿色设计案例,主要集中于绿色能源、绿色制造、绿色建筑、绿色交通、绿色化工和绿色材料6大领域,通过案例分析为中国未来绿色设计的发展提供学习和借鉴;另一方面以世界级产品——苹果手机(i Phone)为主要分析对象,从生命周期、原材料使用、功能设计3个方面入手,通过综合分析认为,iPhone系列手机其生命周期平均缩短1.9—2.0年,3年内产生废弃手机约1亿部,具有产生1 800亿立方米水污染的潜力、产生15万亩土地污染潜力,其28%功能为冗余设计,存在诸多潜在的非绿色弊端。尽管苹果手机在市场经营中取得了高额利润,但距离绿色设计要求还有很长的路要走。通过对绿色设计典型案例的分析,以期引起各类企业对于绿色设计的重视。
Based on the principle of green design, this study focuses on the cases of green design with respect to two perspectives. One is to interpret current world famous green design cases, by looking into the following six aspects: green energy, green manufacture, green building, green transport, green chemical industry, and green material, with the purpose to provide theoretical support for the future development of green design in China. The other one is to analyze the world-class product, i.e. i Phone, by primarily concentrating on three aspects: lifecycle, raw materials, and functional design. The results show that the lifecycle of i Phone is about 1.9–2.0 years shorter than the actual average. Approximately 100 million obsolete phones seem to have been produced in 3 years, which have potential to pollute about 180 billion m3 water, 15 million mu land, and incur latent non-green disadvantages, such as the design of about 28% redundant functions. Despite of its high profit in market, i Phone is still far away from green design. Through the analysis of typical green design cases, this study aims to raise the concern of all kinds of enterprises on the green design.
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences