目的 建立介入手术中职业人员眼晶状体受照剂量测量方法,调查介入职业人员眼晶状体受照剂量,为降低介入职业人员眼晶状体受照剂量提供科学依据。方法 选择热释光剂量计(TLD)和光激发光剂量计(OSLD),以眼晶状体个人剂量当量Hp(3)刻度;选择包括单X射线管和双X射线管在内的5种型号的数字减影血管造影装置(DSA),选择心血管介入、脑血管介入等不同介入手术,开展介入职业人员的眼晶状体剂量水平测量。结果 调查的5种不同介入手术类型职业人员眼晶状体的个人剂量当量Hp(3)之间差别较大,其中冠状动脉造影术剂量最低,脑部支架植入术剂量最高;同一介入手术类型,第一术者剂量最高,第三术者剂量最低;同一术者的左眼剂量明显高于右眼剂量。此外OSLD测量结果明显高于TLD测量结果。结论 建立的个人剂量当量Hp(3)刻度方法可靠,使用TLD和OSLD两种剂量计用于介入职业人员眼晶状体剂量测量可行,TLD和OSLD两种剂量计现场测量结果有差异。
Objective To establish methods of measuring the eye lens dose to interventional staff, to obtain relevant dose data and to provide a scientific basis for reducing eye lens dose. Methods Two kinds of dosimeters, thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) and optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter (OSLD), were selected to measure the personal dose equivalent Hp(3) to eye lens of occupational staff in several kinds of interventional procedures, including cardiovascular interventional procedures, cerebrovascular interventional procedures etc. Five types of Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) equipment were chosen in the study, including single tube equipment and double tube equipment. Results The eye lens dose Hp(3) to interventional staff varied significantly with different interventional procedures. The lowest dose is shown in the coronary angiography procedure, while the highest dose shown in the cerebral stenting procedure. For the same type of interventional procedure, the eye lens dose to the primary interventionist was the highest. For same interventionist, the dose to the left eye was obviously higher than that to the right eye. In addition, the measured results of OSLD were apparently higher than that of TLD. Conclusions Both TLD and OSLD could be used to measure eye lens dose, and the ways of calibrating TLD to evaluate personal dose equivalent Hp(3) were feasible. The reason of significant difference between the measured results of TLD and OSLD needs further research.
Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection