影响高速铁路周围电磁环境的主要是由接触网产生的工频电场和工频磁场。在200 km·h-1时速的列车通过和无车条件下,监测轨道横断面的瞬时工频电场和工频磁场强度,轨道横断面处工频电场的瞬时监测最大值为267 V·m-1,工频磁场的瞬时监测最大值为2 483 n T;远小于GB 8702-2014中的限值:工频电场4 000 V·m-1,工频磁场100μT。结果表明,工频电场和工频磁场随距离增加快速衰减,对周围环境影响轻微。
The electromagnetic environment influence of high-speed rail on its surrounding is mainly from the power frequency electric and magnetic fields, generated by the overhead contact system. To measure the two indicators at the cross section of the railway, it's concerned about different conditions of the train passing by. The result shows that the maximum instantaneous power frequency electric field at the cross section of the railway is of 267 V·m-1; the maximum instantaneous power frequency magnetic field is of 2 483 n T, all the results of measurement are much lower than the standard GB 8702-2014 at power frequency in China: 4 000 V·m-1 in electric field and 100 μT in magnetic field. It turns out that the power frequency electric field and magnetic field decrease rapidly with the distance of railway increasing, and high-speed train has a modest influence on its environment.
high-speed rail
electromagnetic field
environmental influence
environment monitoring