英国内阁办公室于2011年5月31日发布了《政府建造战略》(Government Construction Strategy),宣布要求所有英国公共部门建设项目使用BIM,并在2016初达到BIM等级2的硬性要求。为此英国政府制定了一个四年计划以实现建造行业的现代化。风景园林作为建造行业中不可缺少的一环,需要执行战略的主体和更加详细的实施计划。通过对英国《政府建造战略》的介绍,简要分析英国风景园林行业的实施情况和遇到的困难,旨在借鉴英国风景园林BIM的开拓与时间经验,探讨中国风景园林BIM的发展道路。除了技术和执行层面,还就英国政府实施BIM战略的商业目的进行探讨。通过分析制定BIM标准对占据未来话语权的重要性,提出中国风景园林工作者唯有抓住机遇,尽快制定中国自己的BIM发展战略和标准,方能为中国BIM在世界的崛起抢占先机。
The Government Construction Strategy was published by the Cabinet Office on 31 st May 2011. It announced the Government's intention to require collaborative Building Information Modeling(BIM) on all public sector construction projects and to reach BIM Level 2 by 2016. To achieve the goal, the British Government carried out a four year program for modernization of their construction sector. As one of the most important part of the Government Construction Strategy, landscape needs to define the executive body and have a more specific implementation planning. Through introduction of the Government Construction Strategy, this article analyzes how the British government implements the plan and what problems they encountered with, and then draws lessons from it, and discusses the future development of landscape BIM in China. Besides technical and executive aspects, the paper explores the commercial purpose of British BIM strategy. By analysis of the importance of setting up BIM standard, we suggest that China could take advantages on BIM, only if Chinese landscape architects take the opportunities to make its own BIM development strategy and setting our standard.
Landscape Architecture
Building Information Modeling
Whole Life Cycle
Digital Design
Parametric Design