The response rate in children after HB vaccination is as high as 96%,while the response rate in adults after that is lower(65.12%).This study is based on 15 adult cases(34.88%)with no response after HB vaccination,trying to determine the cause of the non-production of antiHBs,PCR( Polymerase Catenoid Reaction)test is used to check the sera of 15 normal adults with no response to HB vaccination and 3 patients with HB.After PCR amplifing HBV DNA test the result is positive only in 3 cases and negative in 12 cases. The 15 people were given HBIG and 30 μg HB vaccination, After 105 days,12 cases previously with negative results produced antiHBs,It is suggested that repeated,large amount of HB vaccination can be used on the normal population who have no response to HB vaccination and proved negative by PCR amplifying test , in order for them to abtain reliable protection.