目的:观察米索前列醇预防产后出血的效果。方法:选择213 例单胎头位孕妇,随机分为米索前列醇组,催产素组。米索前列醇组106 例,在胎儿娩出前,胎头着冠时口服米索前列醇600μg。催产素组107 例,胎儿娩出后产妇臀部肌注催产素20Iu。观察两组分娩后2 小时内出血量。结果:产后出血的发生率米索前列醇组为2-8% ,催产素组为11-2% ,有显著性差异。产后2 小时平均出血量米索前列醇组明显低于催产素组,有极显著性差异。结论:口服600μg 米索前列醇促进子宫收缩作用强于催产素,能预防产后出血,降低产后出血发生率,且用药方便,安全。
Objective: To observe the effect of misoprostot on preventing the bleeding after delivery. Methods: 213 pregnant women who bear only one fetus were randomly divided into two groups, misoprostott group(106 cases)and oxytocin group (107 cases).600 μ g of misoprostot was orally given in the misoprostot group before delivery while 20 IU of oxytocin was injected in the oxytocin group after the delivery.The bleeding amount in both miso group and oxytocin group was then observed two hours after the delivery.Results: The bleeding rate after delivery was only 2.8% in the misoprostot group while 11.2% in the oxytocin group and the difference is significant in statistics. The bleeding amount two hours after delivery in the misoprostot group was much less than that in the oxytocin group with a statistical significance. Conclusion: The effect of misoprostot on the contraction of uterus is much better than that of oxytocin and 600 μ g of misoprostott is a reasonable dosage. misoprostot is a safe and convenient parturifacient, which can be used in the prevention of the bleeding after delivery.
Bleeding after delivery