This paper takes eight listed acquaculture companies as examples, these eight companies are CNFC OVERSEAS FISHERY CO., LTD, Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisherie s Company Limited, ZHONGCHANG MARINE COMPANY LIMITED,ZHANGZIDAO GROU P CO.,LTD., Shanghai Kaichuang Marine International Co., Ltd. SHANDONG HOMEY AQU ATIC EVELOPMENT CO.,LTD, Shandong Oriental Ocean Sci-Tech Co., Ltd and DAHU AQ UACULTURE CO.,LTD, and uses case analysis, through the analysis of aquaculture biologica 1 assets accounting information published by the listed companies in 2013,we find that aquac ulture listed companies mainly concentrate on disclosure of the consumptive biological assets, inventory, significant risk and most of the aquaculture listed companies exist some problems, such as, poor disclosure of aquaculture biological assets, the nonstandard disclosure mode, t he low disclosure quality. This article puts forward suggestions from the improvement of acc ounting information disclosure on accounting standards, strengthens the regulatory functions a nd strengthens enterprise risk management etc, provides beneficial enlightenment to perfect bi ological asset disclosure of aquaculture company.
Chinese Fisheries Economics
aquaculture listed corporation
biological assets
information disclose