背景:在口腔种植临床,对术区软组织缺损修复方法及材料的研究一直在深入。而通过建立可靠的实验动物口腔软组织缺损模型,会对该领域的探索研究产生积极的深远影响。目的:实验旨在建立一种兔口腔软组织缺损动物模型,以供对口腔软组织缺损修复治疗进行深入的研究。方法:在18只3月龄雄性新西兰兔的硬腭前部中份,分别距上颌门齿、左右硬腭黏膜边缘2 mm处以直径为5 mm的组织环切钻制备圆形软组织全层缺损。分别于建模后3,7,14,21,28,56 d对创面进行形态学和组织学观察。结果与结论:1创面形态:建模后3,7 d,创口炎症反应明显;随着时间推移,炎性反应消退,伤口逐渐愈合。在建模后21,28,56 d可见明显瘢痕形成;2创面组织学变化:在伤后3,7 d,炎细胞大量浸润,组织坏死面积较大,建模后7 d后,随着结缔组织增殖和新生毛细血管的广泛形成,伤口逐渐塑形完整;3结果说明:实验成功构建口腔软组织缺损模型兔,符合创伤愈合的生理规律和人类口腔软组织缺损愈合特点。
BACKGROUND: In clinical, the research on the method and the material of the soft tissue defect of the operation area has been in depth. It wil have a positive impact on our exploration and research in this field through the establishment of reliable experimental animal oral soft tissue defect model. OBJECTIVE: To establish a rabbit model of oral soft tissue defects for oral treatment of soft tissue defects in-depth study. METHODS: Eighteen 3-month-old male New Zealand rabbits were enrol ed. A tissue ring cutting dril of 5 mm diameter was used to prepare round ful -thickness soft tissue defects in the front part of the hard palate and, respectively, from the back of the maxil ary incisors, about 2 mm from the hard palate mucosal edge. Morphology and histology were observed at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 56 days after model establishment. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: (1) Morphological observation: After 3 and 7 days, the wound’s inflammatory reaction was obvious. As the time goes, the inflammatory response subsided, the wound gradual y healed. Scar formation was observed at 21, 28 and 56 days after surgery. (2) Histological observation: 3 and 7 days after injury, many inflammatory cel s were infiltrating, and tissue necrosis area was larger. At 7 days after surgery, with the extensive formation of connective tissue proliferation and new blood capil aries, the wound gradual y shaping completely. (3) Results indicated that a rabbit model of oral soft tissue defects was successful y established, which was in line with the physical laws of wound healing and the characteristics of human oral soft tissue defects healing.
Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research