随着行业大数据应用的迅速发展,对基于海量数据的行业大数据的存储、处理和管理提出了更高要求,传统的小机+存储阵列的架构已经无法满足海量数据增长和系统扩展性的要求。本文总结了一种基于MPP架构+列式存储设计的新型关系数据库技术的产品——GBase 8a MPP的技术设计思路,这些技术有效解决了传统架构下的扩展性问题和大规模并行计算问题,并且通过内部高可用机制实现在低价计算平台上的大数据平台可靠性。
With the rapid development of the industrial big data, the Big Data applications in industrial fields have proposed more higher demands for data management techniques such as data storage and data processing. As traditional architecture of mini-computer and array storage,it has limited the capacity and scalability of DBMS system. This paper have summarized the key techniques a kind of New SQL DBMS-GBase 8a MPP based on MPP and column-oriented architecture. By the advanced techniques of GBase 8a MPP, we can effectively solve the restrications faced by traditional database such as scalability, parallel computing capacity for massive data, and high availability under inexpensive hardware conditions.
Telecommunications Network Technology