

Collaborative Optimization of Robust Track-Keeping Control and Rudder Roll Stabilization
摘要 针对减摇航迹保持控制中存在的多目标优化问题,应用NSGA-Ⅱ提出舵减摇与航迹保持控制的鲁棒协同优化方法。首先,在对非线性船舶运动模型进行线性化的基础上提出一种响应型简化线性模型;然后,基于闭环增益成形算法建立舵减摇与航迹保持的简捷鲁棒控制器;接着,针对航迹跟踪精度、舵减摇率和舵机能耗等3个目标函数,利用NSGA-Ⅱ实现控制参数的协同优化;最后,对某海军运输船的非线性模型进行仿真试验。试验结果表明:Pareto优化解集能反映多目标函数之间的制约性,性能最优参数方案与经验参数方案相比在增加舵机能耗的前提下能获得更高的航迹跟踪精度和更好的减摇效果。 A concise robust collaborative optimized control system of track-keeping with Rudder Roll Stabilization (RRS) is designed with the multi-objective optimization. A linear equivalent of normally used nonlinear ship model is derived first. The track-keeping and RRS controllers are designed with the simplified linear model and the closed loop gain shaping algo- rithm, and further, the parameters of both controllers are collaboratively optimized by means of the fast elitist Non-domina- ted Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) with 3 objectives ( track-keeping accuracy, rudder roll reduction rate and the en- ergy consumption of steering gear). The design is finally examined on a simulator with the non-linear model of a naval car- tier. The results indicate that the Pareto optimal set can represent the conditionality among the objectives. The simulation tests also show that the optimized solution has better track-keeping accuracy and roll reduction rate than that with empirical parameters, at the cost of energy consumption though.
出处 《中国航海》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期31-35,共5页 Navigation of China
基金 国家自然科学基金(50979009) 广东省自然科学基金(2015A030310131) 广东海洋大学科研启动经费资助项目(E15031) 广东省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201410566099) 广东省创新强校工程项目(GDOU2015050226)
关键词 船舶工程 航迹保持 舵减摇 闭环增益成形 协同优化 NSGA—II ship engineering track-keeping rudder roll stabilization closed-loop gain shaping collaborative optimiza-tion NSGA-II
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