
基于博弈论的无线通信抗干扰动态跳频和传输速率适配算法 被引量:2

Dynamic frequency hopping strategy and transmission rate adaptation algorithm based on game theory to resist wireless communication jamming
摘要 无线通信网络由于采用固有广播对干扰攻击是十分脆弱的,通常可采用跳频策略(FH)和传输速率适配(RA)来减轻干扰。然而大量研究表明单独使用FH或RA均无法有效对抗智能干扰,对此结合FH和RA提出了一种无线网络抗干扰方法,考察导致网络吞吐量降低的功率受限扫频干扰情况,首先将信号发射器和干扰之间的相互作用建模为零和马氏博弈过程,在此基础上提出了最优防御策略。最后通过仿真实验的数值对比表明策略在提高网络平均吞吐量和提高抗干扰能力上的优越性。 Since the inherent broadcast adopted by wireless communication network is weak to resist the jamming attract,the frequency hopping(FH)strategy and transmission rate adaptation(RA)algorithm are commonly used to resist the jamming.The plenty articles indicate that the exclusive use of FH strategy or RA algorithm can′t effectively resist the intelligent jamming,so a wireless network anti-jamming method is proposed in combination with FH strategy and RA algorithm to investigate the power limitation sweep jamming situation causing the network throughput reduction. The interaction between the signal transmitter and jamming is modeled for the zero-sum Markov game process. And based on this,the optimal defense strategy is proposed. The numerical comparison results of simulation experiment show that the proposed scheme has the superiority to improve the network average throughput and anti-jamming ability.
机构地区 中国人民解放军
出处 《现代电子技术》 北大核心 2016年第9期15-21,共7页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 动态跳频 干扰 马氏决策过程 速率适配 dynamic frequency hopping jamming Markov decision-making process rate adaptation
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