目的 :利用Cas9/RNA system gene targeting技术高效构建Vash2基因敲除小鼠模型。方法 :根据Vash2基因序列,设计2对Vsah2基因的单链向导RNA(single-guide RNA,sg RNA)引物序列并克隆进入p U57-T7-GDNA载体。利用T7 RNA聚合酶体外转录sg RNA和Cas9 m RNA。将体外转录的g RNA/Cas9 m RNA显微注射入小鼠受精卵,通过PCR和基因测序对Vash2移码突变进行检测和鉴定。繁育Vash2基因敲除小鼠并分析后代突变情况。结果:顺利构建表达sg RNA载体并体外转录,成功将有活性的sg RNA和Cas9 m RNA直接注射入受精卵。基因测序鉴定获得5只F0代初建鼠。选取5号鼠与野生型鼠回交,得到F1代鼠,再相互交配得到F2代鼠。PCR显示F2代鼠Vash2基因移码突变,成功建立Vash2基因敲除小鼠模型并传代繁育。结论:通过Cas9/RNA systemgene targeting技术可以成功制备Vash2基因敲除鼠模型,是用于Vash2研究的有效工具。
Objective:To establish Vasohibin-2(Vash2) knockout mouse model with CRISPR / Cas9 gene targeting technology. Methods:A selected gene sequence of Vash2 was amplified with the primers of single-guide RNA(sg RNA),and then cloned into the plasmid p UC57-T7-GDNA. The Cas9 and sg RNAs were transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase in vitro. Transcribed g RNA / Cas9 m RNA was microinjected into the mouse zygote. The frame shifting mutation was validated by PCR and gene sequencing. Both the(F0 and F1generation) knockout mice were analyzed. Results:The vector expressing sg RNA were successfully built. sg RNA and Cas9 m RNA were successfully transcribed and microinjected into mouse zygote. Five positive mice as the F0 generation were identified by gene sequencing. The No.5 mouse was selected to mate with wild-type mice,then achieved F1 generation were mated and produced F2 generation. The frame-shifted of Vash2 knockout mice(F2 generation) were evaluated by PCR and mutations were stably transmitted to the next generation. Conclusion:The Vash2 knockout mouse model was successfully built by Cas9 / RNAsystemgene targeting technology,and it could be an efficient tool for Vash2 study.
Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)