通过对某动物园 6只发病死亡的丹顶鹤进行剖检 ,见 3例呈纤维素性心包炎变化 ,肝脏肿大且质地脆弱 ,脾有针尖大的出血点。取心、肝、脾等组织进行涂片 ,革兰氏染色 ,镜检 ,在各组织中均可见两端钝圆的革兰氏阴性杆菌。取心、肝、脾等脏器进行石蜡包埋、切片 ,HE染色 ,镜检。主要病理组织学变化为 :心外膜增厚 ,有大量纤维蛋白及异嗜性白细胞 ,巨噬细胞浸润 ,部分心肌细胞、肝细胞、脾细胞发生凝固性坏死。取其肝、脾作电镜负染 ,未发现病毒颗粒。综合流行病学、病原学检查及病理变化等 ,可确诊为大肠杆菌感染。
In this study, six red-crowned cranes died of colibacillisis were autopsied, three cases showed fibrous pericardium, some pinpoint hemorrhagic shots on spleen and liver swelling and becoming fragility.The heart, liver, spleen et al. were smear tested,gram dyed and microscope inspected , two-side obtuselystaining Gram-Negative bacillus were found in thesetissues. The samples of heart, liver, spleen, et al.were oil embedded, sliced, hematoxylin and eosin stained and microscope inspected. The main pathological changes showed such signs as epicardium thicker, plenty of fibrous protein and heterophileleucocyte occurring, macrophage cells invasion. Parts of cardiac muscle cells, liver cells and spleen cellswere coagulately necrosised. The tissues of liver and spleen were negative stained, the virus were notisolated. These results showed that the red-crowned cranes were died of colibacillosis.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine