报告1例混合型Rosai-Dorfman病。患儿男,12岁。因上眼睑皮下肿块1年,术后复发1个月就诊。皮肤科检查:双侧上眼睑、腮部、颌下外侧皮下均可触及肿块,大小不规则,直径3~5 cm不等,质软,边界清,无压痛,表面皮肤完整。左颌下肿物组织病理检查:左颌下淋巴结良性病变,大部分组织细胞瘤样增生伴淋巴窦结构消失,部分增大的组织细胞胞质内可见淋巴细胞及中性粒细胞。免疫组化检查:瘤样增生的组织细胞S-100蛋白(+)、CD163(+)、CD68(散在弱+)、CD1α(-)。诊断:混合型Rosai-Dorfman病。
A case of mixed Rosai-Doffman disease is reported. A 12-year-old boy presented with subcutaneous mass on the upper eyelid for 1 year and post-surgery recurrence for 1 month. Physical examination revealed subcutaneous masses on the upper eyelid, gills and the lateral lower jaw. The masses were irregular sized 3-5 cm in diameter, soft texture with defined borders, no pain and no tenderness with normal surface skin. Histopathological examination of subcutaneous mass from the left lower jaw revealed benign lymphadenopathy with histiocytorna-like hyperplasia accompanied by disappearance of the lymphatic sinus. Intact lymphocytes and neutrophils could be found in the cytoplasm of some enlarged histioeytes. Immunohistochemistry showed that hyperplastic histiocytes were positive for S-100 protein, CD163 and CD68, and negative for CDlct. According to clinical and pathological features, the final diagnosis was mixed Rosai-Doffman disease.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology