Objective To evaluate the primarily therapeutic outcomes of a new autologous cell transplantation technique, or namely ReCell technique, for acquired disorders of pigmentation. Methods Twelve patients with acquired disorders of pigmentation were treated with ReCell tech- nique in recent 3 years. During the procedure, a small area skin biopsy was harvested from a healthy nearby zone. It was then processed through the ReCell kit and small amount of cell suspension was obtained. After dermal brasion of the disorder area of pigmentation, the suspension was sprayed to the raw wound and nonadherent dressings were used for temporally coverage. The lesional improvement was finally evaluated with Vancouver scar scale. Results With a mean follow-up of 13+_6 months, 11 cases were significant il improved but I case was insignificant; there was no major complication oc- curred except one hematoma. Patient's self-reported data analysis revealed there was statistically signif- icant improvement regarding the appearance of the treated area. The analysis of surgeon's evaluation scale data also reached the same conclusion. Conclusions ReCell technique can improve the disorders of pigmentaion in Chinese population. It provides an alternative therapeutic choice for plastic surgeon or dermatologist to treat the skin disorders of pigmentation disease.
Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
Epidermic cell transplantation, autologous
Disorders of pigmentation
Surgi- cal treatment