
犬巴斯德菌感染致化脓性脑膜炎及脑室管膜炎1例 被引量:2

Pasteurella canis meningitis and ependymitis in an infant
摘要 本文报道1例8月龄婴儿因犬巴斯德菌感染引起的化脓性脑膜炎、脑室管膜炎。患儿因"发热、呕吐5d,双眼凝视2d"入院,无明确动物接触史。入院后立即给予敏感抗生素治疗,病情仍持续进展,出现脑疝、中枢性呼吸衰竭,家属放弃继续治疗后死亡。本文着重强调儿童易感染许多成人少见的机会性致病菌,家长应尽量避免让儿童与动物密切接触。 A case of Pasteurella canis meningitis and ependymitis in an 8-month-old infant was reported.The patient had a history of 5-day fever and 2-day convulsion before the admission,and Pasteurella canis was detected from clinical samples.Although timely treatment with a panel of sensitive antibiotics was administered after hospital admission,the conditions continued to progress with cerebral hemia,central respiratory failure and death.This case demonstrates that a rare bacterial infection may cause serious conditions to infants and parents should keep their children away from potential dangerous situations.
出处 《微生物与感染》 2016年第2期111-113,共3页 Journal of Microbes and Infections
关键词 犬巴斯德菌 脑膜炎 脑室管膜炎 Pasteurella canis Meningitis Ependymitis
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