为解决CORS系统中GNSS高程受技术条件限制精度不高的问题,贵阳市进行了区域似大地水准面精化工作。本文论述了GNSS和水准网的布设及精度,使用了3 877个点重力数据和54个GNSS水准资料,以EIGEN03C地球重力场模型作为参考重力场,由第二类Helmert凝集法完成大地水准面计算,利用球冠谐调和分析方法将GNSS水准与重力似大地水准面联合求解得出的2'!2'格网似大地水准面,在高原高差地区其精度达到"0.010 m。
In order to solve the question of low accuracy elevation resulted from technical constraints in CORS system; Guiyang conducted the local quasi- geoid refinement project. This paper introduced the layout and accuracy of GPS and leveling networks,used 3877 points of gravity data and 54 points of GNSS leveling data,and adopted EIGEN03 C earth's gravitational field model as a reference gravity field,the geoid is calculated by utilizing the Helmert's second method of condensation. Then,through spherical cap harmonic analysis,the 2' × 2' grid quasi- geoid refinement model is solved by GNSS leveling and gravimetric quasi- geoid. The Guiyang quasi- geoid refinement model accuracy reaches ± 0. 010 m in the plateau region and where there exist big height difference.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology