
辽西地区野生兴安杜鹃生物学特性及经济意义 被引量:2

Biological Properties and Economic Significance of Wild Rhododendron dauricum L. in Western Liaoning
摘要 兴安杜鹃Rhododendron dauricum L.,辽宁西部俗称冬青。产地黑龙江、吉林和内蒙东部、辽宁山区及大、小兴安岭。辽宁西部这块沃土及原始山林也是兴安杜鹃的始生地却被人忽略了。兴安杜鹃是辽宁乃至东北少有的常绿阔叶树种也是园林绿化新品种。由于兴安杜鹃对土壤要求微酸或偏酸使之在辽西微碱之地难以推广。生产中无论是播种育苗、扦插还是园林绿化,首先使用的基质必须是引进原生长地的森林微酸土壤(p H值5~6),播种育苗需20~25天,扦插在全光雾下25~30天生根。无论是野生兴安杜鹃还是人工栽植的都没有发现病虫害。 Rhododendron dauricum L.,named Dongqing in western Liaoning province,comes from Heilongjiang province,Jilin province,eastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous region,mountain area of Liaoning province,and greater Khingan,lesser Khingan. This piece of fertile land and primitive forest climate of western Liaoning is also the original place of Rhododendron dauricum which was ignored by people. Rhododendron dauricum L. is an unwonted evergreen broadleaf tree in Liaoning province even in northeastern China and is a new species for landscaping. The subalkaline soil in western Liaoning makes it difficult to grow which needs tartish or meta- acid soil. In sowing and seedling raising,cutting and greening,the forest tartish soil of p H 5- 6 first used for substrate must be introduced from original growing place. Sowing and seedling raising needs 20- 25 days,and cuttage needs 25- 30 days to root in the full- light-fog. Pests and diseases were not found in wild and artificial planting Rhododendron dauricum L..
作者 王宇飞
机构地区 朝阳县林业局
出处 《中国野生植物资源》 2016年第2期71-73,共3页 Chinese Wild Plant Resources
关键词 野生植物 兴安杜鹃 园林绿化新品种 育苗 wild plant Rhododendron dauricum L. new species for landscaping grow seedling
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