以"铁磁材料的起始磁化曲线和磁滞回线"的数据处理为例,介绍了Microsoft Excel 2010软件处理物理实验数据以及绘图的方法。利用Excel 2010软件处理物理实验数据可以减少人工处理数据和绘图的工作量,适合在大学物理实验数据处理方面推广应用。
A method of drawing pictures and processing data of college physical experiment by using Microsoft Excel 2010 software is introduced and demonstrated by an experiment of "the initial magnetization curve and hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic substance". The amount of work of drawing pictures and processing data of physical experiment by using Microsoft Excel 2010 software can be greatly decreased. Excel 2010 is suitable for application widely in college physics experiment.
Journal of Science and Education