New Chinese immigrants' literature in North America has been reflecting both the life expe- riences and spiritual conditions of new Chinese immigrants in North America, thus it has become a literary and cultural phenomenon deserving our great attention. To explore lives of those new Chinese immigrants, this paper interpreted two representatives from the perspective of romantic love delicately, namely The Iced River under the Forest by Zha Jianying and Wandering at the World's End by Yan Zhen. The identi- ty of new Chinese immigrants is figured out after a concrete interpretation. As the two texts share the main plot (both about the experience of going abroad and coming back home) and the major clue (affec- tion), this paper carried out the study on basis of these similarities. It regards new Chinese immigrants in North America as "marginal person" and gives a profound elaboration. The innovative points of this paper lie in the perspective of affection from which those characters' situation is analyzed distinctly and the em- ployment of the theory of "marginal person" to deduce those immigrants' identity.
Journal of North University of China:Social Science Edition
new Chinese immigrants' literature in North America
The Iced River under the ForestWandering at the World's F.nd ~ "marginal person"
judgement of identity