令φ,u分别是复平面C上的单位开圆盘D中的解析自映射和解析函数.加权复合算子定义为(u Cφ)(f)(z)=u(z)f(φ(z)),(z∈D,f∈H(D)),本文讨论了该加权复合算子从Zygmund型空间到α-Bloch空间的紧性.
Let φ be an analytic self-map and u be a fixed analytic function in the open unit disk D on the com-plex plane C.The weighted composition operator is defined by(u Cφ)( f)(z) = u(z) f(φ(z)),( z∈ D,f ∈ H(D)). This paper studies the compactness of the weighted composition operators from Zygmund type spaces to α-Blochspaces.
Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology