
猪水肿病新型亚单位菌苗对小鼠的效力研究 被引量:1

摘要 利用大肠杆菌表达猪水肿病大肠杆菌的水肿毒素SLT-IIe B,提取表达产物包涵体,再加入自行分离的我国流行的猪水肿病大肠杆菌Ee株(O139),和油乳佐剂乳化后制成亚单位菌苗,免疫昆明鼠,间隔2 w加强免疫1次。每次免疫后采血检测毒素的ELISA抗体和Ee株的凝集效价,第2次免疫2 w后用5LD50的猪水肿病大肠杆菌Ee株进行攻毒。结果显示,亚单位菌苗组与灭活菌苗组ELISA抗体水平有显著性差异,两种疫苗对Ee的保护力分别为90%和70%。本研究表明新型亚单位菌苗模式对同型菌株具有较好的保护力,为进一步研制高效的亚单位菌苗打下基础。 The exotoxin SLT-IIe B of Escherichia coli Ee strain was expressed in E.coli and purifi ed. The recombinant protein was mixed with inactivated Ee strain and then emulsifi ed with oil adjuvant to prepare a mixed subunit bacterin. Mice were immunized twice at week 0 and 2 and challenged intraperitoneally with virulent Ee strain at week 4. Antibodies were detected in ELISA and agglutination test. After the second immunization, antibody level increased obviously and the immune protection against virulent Ee strain was 70% and 91.7% in subunit bacterin group and whole bacterin group, respectively. In conclusion, the mixed subunit bacterin induced good protection against virulent Ee strain, which was promising for development of a highly effi cacious vaccine against porcine edema disease.
出处 《中国动物传染病学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期57-61,共5页 Chinese Journal of Animal Infectious Diseases
基金 国家863计划(2006AA10A206) 湖北省教育厅中青年重点项目(No.D20121205)
关键词 分泌毒素表达蛋白 亚单位菌苗 小鼠 保护力 Porcine edema disease exotoxin SLT-IIe B subunit bacterin protection
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