
改进的FP-growth算法及其在TE过程故障诊断中的应用 被引量:6

Improved FP-growth Algorithm With Applications in TE Process Fault Diagnosis
摘要 为了解决频繁模式增长(frequent pattern growth,FP-growth)算法因多次遍历频繁集列表而产生庞大频繁模式树需占用大量内存降低了运行效率的问题,提出一种改进的FP-growth(upgraded FP-growth,UFP)算法.首先,构造支持度函数实现各项与其支持度的映射,使算法的运行效率得到提高;其次,利用关键字筛选技术,把频繁项分成关键项表、非关键项表两部分,保证了最终获取的每条关联规则都是人们关注的有效信息;最后,根据频繁1-项集划分数据库子集并直接构造每一项的条件模式树,节省了内存空间.将UFP算法应用于Tenessee Eastman(TE)过程的故障诊断,通过与主成分分析(principal component analysis,PCA)、核主成分分析(kernel principal component analysis,KPCA)算法在多种故障下的诊断结果对比实验验证了算法的优越性. FPgrowth algorithm is very effective for mining frequent itemsets. However, the huge frequentpattern trees generated due to repeat Flist searching consume a large amount of memory and lead to lowefficiency. In response to these drawbacks, this paper presented an improved algorithm, termed as UFPalgorithm (upgraded FPgrowth). First, it used support function to map the support rate with each itemin order to improve the operating efficiency. Second, it took advantage of keyword filtering technology todevide the Flist into two parts, keyitem list and noncritical list, ensuring the association rules whichultimately were obtained, were all valid information. Finally, it divided the whole database into subsetsaccording to the first frequent itemsets and constructed condition pattern trees directly which saved lots ofmemory space. This paper applied UFP algorithm into TE process for fault diagnosis. The comparativeexperiments with PCA and KPCA algorithm under different process faults improve its superiority.
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期697-706,共10页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(YS1404)
关键词 频繁模式增长(FP-growth)算法 关联规则 Tenessee Eastman(TE)过程 故障诊断 FPgrowth algorithm association rule Tenessee Eastman (TE) process fault diagnosis
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