

On Wang Jiusi's Literary Ideas about Qu and His Sanqu Songs
摘要 明代七子之一王九思的曲学观念表现在重视曲体的抒情功能、娱乐功能和努力提高曲的地位三个方面。王九思的散曲创作是对自己曲学观念的实践,既书写了失意士大夫的苦闷,也反映了宴集赠寄之作的游戏心态;在散曲艺术方面,能熔炼词藻意境,努力提高散曲的境界和格调,取得了较高的艺术成就。 Wang Jiusi is one of "the former seven talented Scholars". This paper makes an elementary sorting of his literary ideas about Qu, that is, Qu should reflect one's natural feelings. And he then put his ideas in his Sanqu songs, which conveyed the bitter feelings those officials who failed in their political career and also expressed their attitude of entertainment in their works. Wang had strived to improve the artistic state of Sanqu songs, thus scoring high artistic achievement.
作者 郑雅宁
出处 《太原师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期66-69,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan Normal University:Social Science Edition
基金 宝鸡文理学院校级重点项目:<古代文学与当代影视传播关系研究>(ZK16093)
关键词 王九思 曲学 散曲 创作实践 Wang Jiusi Sanqu songs ideas Sanqu songs creative practice
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