
外语学习的基本路径假设——兼论外语教育未来 被引量:4

A Hypothesis for the Basic Approach to Foreign Language Learning and the Four Tactical Measures Influencing the Future of Foreign Language Education
摘要 外语学习的基本路径假设包括十年期间(初中、高中和大本)+每天朗读30分钟+每周背诵一个小段+课外阅读原文著作50本+写作300页面+(大学阶段的)教师用外语执教。这个基本路径归结为一个核心:用自己身体器官(尤其是耳、眼、舌)积累音感与语感,而不必过于依赖身体外部的、繁杂的电化教学设备,从而发挥人的创造性与能动性,还可以节省巨大的投资以及宝贵的时间与精力。外语教学的各种方案、模式与工程不必设计得那么复杂,那么庞大,那么花费资金。世界上科学的、美的、和谐的东西,往往是简单的、方便的。 Part One:A hypothesis for the Basic Approach to Foreign Language Learning(BAFLL,hence);1.1The BAFLL;1.2The three foundations and one core of the BAFLL;Part Two:There are the four tactical measures having agreat influence on foreign language teaching(FLT)in the future.2.1 We do need the cultured function of FLT;2.2It is necessary 'to remain alert to a very real danger of new educational technology and curriculum and teaching methods in the light of the latest scientific advances'by Chomsky(briefly,‘Chomsky's alert');2.3There is no necessity to begin FLT in primary schools in China;2.4Reading-aloud is also counted as one of the tactical measures in FLT.The basic approach to FLL includes 10-year-span(for learners in middle schools,high schools and universities)+ 30 minutes for reading loudly every day+1paragraph(taken from textbooks)every week for learners to be repeated from memory + 50 books in the original within 10 years.for intensive and extensive reading+300pages within 10 years.for learners to do writing exercises+teachers'(of foreign language)giving their classes in their foreign languages.The core of the BAFLL(10years.)is that we use organs of our own bodies such as ears,eyes,tongues in addition to brains and hands,instead of extremely complex electrical teaching equipments beyond our bodies,so as to accumulate the sense of sound and the sense of language.All this is immensely beneficial to giving full scope to learners'creativity and to taking full advantage of their potential.By the way,we can save a great number of investments as well as much time and energy.In this world,what is scientific,beautiful and harmonious tends to be simple and convenient.So,in FLT any scheme or program or project should not be designed extremely complexly,gigantically and expensively.Thus,we can have our future of FLT in our pockets.
作者 钱冠连
出处 《当代外语研究》 2016年第1期9-13,94,共5页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
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  • 2Chomsky ,N. 1972 ,Form and meaning in natural languages [ A]. Language and Mind [ C 3. (revised edition. New York: Har- court, Brace, Jovanovich, Also, see Baghramian, M. 1999. Modern Philosophy Of Language [ M]. Counter- point, P. O. Box 65793 Washington, D. C. 被引量:1












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