反应产物基态HF分子对激态HF分子的碰撞弛豫是导致非链式脉冲HF激光器激光能量快速下降的重要原因.为解决该问题,理论分析了3A型分子筛去除基态HF分子的可行性,并开展了实验研究.实验结果表明,在不采用任何激光介质净化技术情况下,激光器重复频率50 Hz出光20s的激光能量下降率高达52%,无法满足高功率重频HF/DF激光器的应用需求.在激光器循环管道中增加3A型分子筛吸附单元之后,激光器连续10余次重复频率50 Hz出光20s的激光能量下降率小于15%,其中首次出光能量下降率仅为7.2%,提高了激光能量稳定性且延长了激光介质使用寿命.3A型分子筛不仅对基态HF分子具有良好吸附效果,而且具有再生活化功能,有望取代非链式脉冲HF激光器激光介质净化技术中常用的化学吸附法.
The collision relaxation of reaction products ground state to the excited state HF molecules is the key reason to reduce the non-chain pulsed HF laser energy.To solve this problem,the possibility of3 Atype molecular sieve to eliminate the ground state HF molecules was analysised,and the experimental research was started as well.The result shows that,in the condition of non-utilization of any laser medium purity technology,the laser energy decreased by 52% after 103 laser shots is obtained at a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz.So it can not satisfy the demand of high power,high repetitive frequency HF/DF laser in the future.After adding the 3Atype molecular sieve adsorptive unit in the circulating pipe,the laser energy reduction is less than 15% after 103 laser shots is obtained for more than ten times,and the initial laser energy decreased by only 7.2%,this improves the stability of laser energy,and the useful time of laser medium.The 3Atype molecular sieve is not only good at adsorb the ground state HF molecules,but also has the ability of regeneration and activation,it is expected to replace the ordinary chemical adsorption method.
Acta Photonica Sinica