台东苏铁是一种古老的裸子植物,有关苏铁的RNA编辑的研究很少。为此,我们分析了台东苏铁的RNA编辑位点和分布,为探究RNA编辑的功能和机制以及高等植物的起源和进化提供依据。本次以台东苏铁(Cycas taitungensis)为材料,采用异硫氰酸胍法提取台东苏铁总RNA。DNaseⅠ处理过的RNA逆转得到的c DNA进行PCR扩增条带并测序。通过对测序结果分析比对,初步确定在台东苏铁中的ndh D2,Pet B,ndh B2存在C-U的编辑。研究表明,ndh基因有较高的编辑频率,而丝氨酸相比其他氨基酸有更高的编辑频率。结果显示,ndh B2中有C-Y的部分编辑现象,ndh A2存在沉默编辑现象。
Cycas taitungensis is ancient gymnosperms,and the research of RNA editing in Cycas is limited. We analyzed the composition and distribution of RNA editing in Cycas taitungensis,which provided the useful information for exporing the function and mechanism of RNA editing,as well as for revealing the origin and evolution of higher plants.The thiocyanate method is appropriate for the RNA extraction of Cycas taitungensis. The cDNA was obtained by reverse transcribed the DNA-free RNA which treated with DNase.The RNA editing sites were found by RT-PCR,sequence and blast DNA and cDNA. Our results showed that the conversion of C-to-U and C-to-U editing events could be found in the ndhD_2 and Pet B transcripts of Cycas taitungensis as well as in ndhB_2 transcript. We found that ndh genes have a higher rate of editing,while the serine codon was more frequently edited than the others.The results showed that there is a partially editing sites in ndhB_2 transcrip,and silence editing sites also could be found in the ndhA_2 transcript.
Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics