目的了解淄博市临淄区2006~2014年流行性腮腺炎的流行病学特征,为预防控制流行性腮腺炎提供科学依据。方法收集淄博市临淄区2006~2014年各级医疗机构报告的流行性腮腺炎病例资料,进行描述性流行病学分析。结果淄博市临淄区2006~2014年共报告流行性腮腺炎病例1 438例,年平均发病率为26.23/10万;全年分4~6月(591例、占41.10%)和11月至次年1月(330例、占22.95%)两个发病高峰期,年龄分布20岁以下发病1 338例,占总病例数的93.05%;男女发病率性别比为1.96∶1(34.77/17.72);临淄区12个镇(街道)均有病例报告,城区年均发病率(30.73/10万)高于农村(23.23/10万)(P〈0.01);学生、幼托儿童和散居儿童病例数占总病例数的92.84%(1 335例)。结论学生、幼托儿童和散居儿童是临淄区腮腺炎防控的重点人群。
Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of mumps in Linzi district during 2006-2014,so as to provide scientific basis for its control and prevention. Methods The data of mumps case reports in Linzi district during 2006-2014 were collected and analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results A total of 1 438 cases of mumps were reported in Linzi district during 2006-2014,the average annual incidence of mumps was 26.23/105.The peaks of mumps were April-June and November-next January.In age distribution,1 338 cases were reported in the under 20 age group,accounting for 93.05% of the total number of cases.The incidence gender ratio was 1.96:1.Mumps caes were reported in 12 towns and sub-districts of Linzi district,the incidence in urban area was higher than that in rural area(30.73/105 vs 23.23/105)(P〈0.01).In terms of the occupation distribution,the infected cases were mostly students,and the total number of infected students and children accounted for 92.83% of the total number of cases. Conclusion The students,preschool children,and scattered children are the key population for mumps prevention and control in Linzi district.
Preventive Medicine Tribune