

Two-way Fourth-order Chord Model Based on P2PSIP
摘要 基于SIP和P2P系统存在的不足以及P2PSIP系统所具有的优势,设计了分布式SIP信令控制协议和P2P网络相互独立的层次化P2PSIP通讯系统.在P2P网络下,对双向查询算法与四阶Chord算法进行了定量分析,在此基础上提出了双向四阶Chord模型,该模型使路由表的密度增加到了3Log44k,并用向量数组的概念对双向查询算法进行了成功的推导.模拟实验表明,以此减少路由指针转发次数,使其能够更快的指向目标节点.通过此分布式的SIP信令控制,可以大大提高P2PSIP系统的实效性. Based on the deficiency of SIP and P2 P system and the advantages of P2 PSIP system,the paper designs a hierarchical P2 PSIP communication system with a distributed SIP signaling control protocol and P2 P network which are independent of each other. Under the P2 P network,quantitative analysis is done on the bidirectional query algorithm and four-order Chord algorithm. On this basis,the paper proposes that the bidirectional fourth-order Chord model. The model makes the density of the routing table increase to 3Log44 k. Meanwhile,based on vector array,the bidirectional query algorithm is derived successfully. Simulation results show that,the model can reduce routing pointer forwarding frequency and make it point faster to the target node. Through this distributed SIP signaling control,the effectiveness of P2 PSIP system is enhanced greatly.
出处 《成都大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第1期53-57,共5页 Journal of Chengdu University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 四川省科技厅科技支撑计划(2014SZ0107 2015GZ0333)资助项目
关键词 分布式 P2PSIP 双向四阶 CHORD 信令 distributed P2PSIP two-way fourth-order Chord signaling
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