运用旋量方法建立工业机器人运动学模型,提出一类子问题以求解通用的逆解算法。利用仿真软件DELMIA的机器人模型库,给出一种"特殊位形法"来求解机器人连杆参数。将机器人前三个关节运动定义为一类新的子问题,即已知点绕两个平行轴线和一个与前两个轴垂直的轴线旋转至定点的问题。结合经典的Paden-Kahan子问题,推导出机器人8组逆解的解析算式。以IRB1400弧焊机器人为例,验证算法正确性。仿真结果显示算法误差在10-12数量级,耗时不到0.12 ms,能够满足机器人控制系统高精度和实时性要求。
The kinematics model of an industrial robot is established with the screw theory, and a sub-problem category is proposed for its general inverse kinematics solution. The link parameters of the robot is calculated with the special configuration method and the robot model library of simulation software DELMIA ( digital enterprise lean manufacturing interaction application). The motion of the first three joints is defined as a new type of sub-problem, which can be described as a known point rotating around two parallel axes and an axe perpendicular to the first two axes at a given point. Combined with the classical Paden-Kahan sub-problem, eight groups of analytic expressions for inverse solution are derived. Taking the IRB1400 arc welding robot as an example, we verify the algorithm. The simulation results show that the algorithm has an error of 10-12 orders of magnitude and needs less than 0.12 ms, which satisfies the high requirements for the accuracy and real-time of the robot's control system.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering