

Research and Analysis of Several Key FHE Structures
摘要 对当前几种重要的全同态加密结构的构造原理及性质进行了深入剖析,重点对FHE加解密算法、算法基于的难题假设、算法复杂度、密钥特征、密文扩展性等特点进行了深入分析与详细比较,并针对结构中的不足之处提出了改进与优化建议,为进一步对FHE结构优化提供借鉴。最后对全同态加密的应用前景进行了全面展望。 In-depth study on principles and properties of the current most important FHE ( Fully Homomor- phic Encryption) structures is done, with focus on analysis and comparison of FHE encryption and decryp- tion, algorithm based on hard problem, algorithm complexity, key characteristics and eiphertext expansion. In light of the deficiencies, some modified and optimized solutions are presented, and these could serve as a reference for further optimization of FHE structure. Finally, application prospects of FHE are forecasted.
作者 马飞 李娟
出处 《通信技术》 2016年第4期481-485,共5页 Communications Technology
基金 宁夏回族自治区‘计算机应用技术’重点学科项目资助 宁夏教育厅"十三五"自治区重点专业--网络工程专业重点建设项目资助~~
关键词 全同态加密 结构比较 云计算 LWE/RLWE FHE structure comparison cloud computing LWE/RLWE
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