据《世界的白粉虱》(Whitefly of the world)一书统计,温室白粉虱分布于欧洲、亚洲、非洲、美洲及大洋洲等四十八个国家与地区。五十年代,我们曾在北京金山露地种植的架豆上,发现过粉虱,但未鉴定过,当时也未闻造成显著为害。但近年来温室白粉虱逐渐猖獗,特别由于近四、五年来冬季大量使用塑料薄膜搭成大棚育苗种菜,加上原来的大量土温室,城镇居民及花圃冬季在室内养花,
Trialeurodes vaporariorum has become one of the most serious greenhouse pests in northern China since the middle seventieth. This paper describes (l)The morphology and habit of the various stages. (2)Developing durations under different temperatures (13.3℃, 16.1℃, 19.7℃, 23.1℃, 24.5℃, 25.8℃) in laboratory:Durations of all stages are longer under lower, temperatures, but its decrease is not strictly in proportion to the increase of temperature; Under all temperatures, the duration of egg and pseudo-pupa stages nearly occcupy more that half of the total duration; Each successive stage overlaps each other. (3) Sex ratio, parthenogenesis, longevity and fecundity of the whitefly adults are also reported. (4) Concerning terminology of the immature stages and parasites.
Journal of Beijing Normal University(Natural Science)