
科学学会发生发展演化的动因规律研究——兼论科协以学会为“主体”的学理依据及实践意义 被引量:2

Study on the Motivation Law of Scientific Societies' Development and Evolution and the Theoretical Basis and Practical Significance of the Association for Science and Technology Take Society as Main Body
摘要 本文运用前苏联国际知名科学史学家米库林斯基的科学史综合论和雅罗舍夫斯基的科学发展"三维观"方法论分析研究我国科学学会发生、发展、演化的规律问题。研究结论是:历史社会文化政治的动因是襄助学会发展的外推力;科学具体逻辑发展的动因是襄助学会发展的内应力;科学学会领导人素质的动因是襄助学会发展的内生力。研究发现:科学发展"马太效应""木桶效应""外溢效应"也适用于科学学会发展。据此阐释了科协以学会为"主体"的学理依据及实践意义,并依此提出相关建议。 This paper studied the law of Chinese scientific societies' development and evolution through the comprehensive theory of science history proposed by С. И. Митулинский, and the three-dimension- al development view of science proposed by М. Г. Ярошевский, concluded that the historical, socio-cuhural and political motivation is an external force to help the development of society, the specific logic development of science is an internal reason, and the quality of society' s leader is an endogenous force. The study found that the Matthew Effect, the wooden barrel effect and the spillover effect in the development of science also suitable for the development of scientific societies. Accordingly, this paper explained the theoretical basis and practical significance of the Association for Science and Technology take society as main body, and put forward relevant recommendations.
作者 胡祥明
机构地区 黑龙江省科协
出处 《学会》 2016年第2期5-16,共12页
基金 中国科协三峡科技出版资助计划资助项目<科学的学派>部分研究成果
关键词 学会发展动因 历史社会文化 科学逻辑发展 领导人素质 学会为主体 development motivation of society history, society and culture logic development of science quality of leader take society as main body
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