
多方免密钥协商加密计算探究 被引量:1

Research on Encryption Computation of Multi-Party Free-Key Negotiation
摘要 为了保护在云端的隐私数据,改变用户的弱势地位,安全多方计算得到广泛关注。而安全多方计算是需要各方提前进行密钥协商,增加整个多方计算的复杂度和不安全因素。为了解决上述问题,设计一种基于NTRU同态加密的多方免协商计算模型,缩短整个计算的步骤,降低风险。保护隐私数据和计算结果不被云服务商泄露,同时也不会被没有参与过计算的用户知晓计算结果。 In order to protect the privacy of data in the cloud, to change the user's weak position, secure multi-party computation has been widely concerned. Secure multi-party computation is required for all parties for key agreement in advance, which increases the complexity and the unsafe factors of the whole multi-party computation. In order to solve the above problems, designs a method based on NTRU, which is based on the computation model of multi-party free-key negotiation, which shortens the calculation steps and reduces the risk. Privacy preserving data and computing results are not revealed by the cloud service provider, at the same time the user who not be involved in calculating not known results.
作者 杨宾
出处 《现代计算机》 2016年第5期12-15,共4页 Modern Computer
关键词 云安全 安全多方计算 同态加密 NTRU Cloud Security Secure Multi Party Computation Homomorphic Encryption NTRU
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